A Complete Overview of Crop Cultivation

If you enjoy gardening or farming, you must be knowing about tillage farming. You will come across multiple tillage methods using cultivator gauge wheels. Here is a detailed overview of crop cultivation.

What is tillage?

It is a method of soil preparation through mechanical agitation. Various steps are involved in this process like mixing, soil digging and overturning. Moreover, you can even opt for hand-powered tillage practice through various tools like hoeing, shoveling, etc. Gardeners or farmers who practice small-scale farming are the ones who opt for this cultivation process, which involves various manual tillage methods.

However, the commercial gardeners are the ones who use the advanced methods. Most farmers in Oklahoma use cultivator gauge wheel for tilling. Let us check out the different types of tillage used in farming.

Tillage- Types

When it comes to farming, there are four different types of tillage methods that are used. Listed below are some of the tillage farming that you should know.

  • Reduced tillage

This process requires field cultivators, chiseled plows as well as other implements. Opting for a reduced tillage method leaves about 30% of the residue cover, which is significant, especially to support the erosion period.

  • Intensive tillage

This method comes with multiple operations; through implements like chisel plow, disk, and moldboard. This method leaves about 15% of the residue cover. Earlier, intensive tillage was called the traditional method.

Farmers utilize a finisher accompanied by a rolling basket, cutter, and harrow for preparing a seedbed. Few people encourage using machines like disc and plow for loosening the soil after harvesting.

  • Conservation tillage

This technique can be used for planting seeds to reduce soil erosion. Sometimes, when it comes to planting seeds, farmers use special equipment which leaves a residue.

It helps in promoting slow water movement, and the risk of soil erosion reduces. With the conservation tillage method, soil compaction and fuel consumption can be reduced. Also, the farmers don't have to spend a lot of time on the field.

  • No-till

This method is quite similar to that of the previous one; however, in this process, there is almost no disruption in the soil.

How tillage affects crop and soil production?

Soil tillage is one of the essential components of agricultural technology. Farmers use different methods such as using high-tech machines or normal manual machines. A few common reasons behind the significance of tilling include preventing soil erosion, weed control, supporting water and soil conservation, and more.

Need tillage farming?

Tillage farming is one of the best and most effective farming techniques. At 4AG Manufacturing, you get specially designed tires as well as other quality products. Drop a message, and we will get back to you.

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