A Layman’s Guideline About Gauge Wheels in No Till Planter

In general, using regular wheels was more common in previous years. But farmers experienced trouble while cultivating the fields because the soil was spread out due to the furrow holes. Due to this reason, these days, the popularity of gauge wheels has increased.

The gauge wheel is next to the opener blade - this arrangement helps the farmers to restrain unnecessary sidewall blowouts. The farmers will likely prefer the cultivator gauge wheel because of the wheel’s location. This is because, the farmers can control the depth precisely.

How Cultivator Gauge Wheel Is Constructed?

A cultivator gauge wheel unit has two parts- a colter and a gauge wheel. The industry experts manufacture the gauge wheels and place them in specific areas to work as intersecting axes. The wheels lean to each other to engage securely and rotate safely through the field. A colter is situated between the cultivator wheels, which intersects the angle precisely.

Types of Gauge Wheels

There are various types of gauge wheels available in the market. Keep in mind you can get both rubber and polyurethane gauge wheels for your cultivation. Nowadays, many manufacturing companies make gauge wheels of polyurethane and pliable rubber to provide better outcomes. Some manufacturing experts say rubber gauge wheels last shorter than polyurethane cultivator gauge wheels.

Why Do Farmers Use Cultivator Gauge Wheels?

Remember that no till gauge wheels act as rotary scrapers and eliminate the sidewall compaction. Thanks to this unique mechanism, experts also move the colters and seed openers in a harsh climate.

What Are the Purposes of the Gauge Wheel?

Many experts prefer rubber tires because they can adapt to any soil surface. But as we have mentioned earlier, the rubber tire has a shorter life span. The planter can move without having any troubles and also absorbs the residue. It can also maintain a perfect depth throughout the cultivation. Thanks to the cultivator gauge wheel, the planters can run at a consistent depth.

What Are the Advantages of Having a Gauge Wheel?

As the gauge wheel holds the sidewalls properly, the opener blade doesn’t tear apart them while rotating out of the soil. There is another point to remember. Some of the farming lands are vulnerable to the water-clogging problem. In that case, it is essential to avoid don’t creating holes or depressions which can collect excessive water. A gauge wheel ensures this.

Once you have installed the cultivator gauge wheel in your planter, there is no need to replace them for a longer time. Also, they are easy to use and are manageable. Not to mention, the gauge wheels also come at a low price. Therefore, these are the best option for those with a tight budget.

Contact the Best in the Industry

Now, you have learned the benefits of installing cultivator gauge wheels in your planters. Therefore, if you want to purchase quality wheels for your no till planter, contact us at 4AG Manufacturing.

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