Adjustable Closing Wheel Planter – All about It
During the National Farm Machinery Show, the inventor of various planter attachments, including the original row cleaner and spiky closing wheel, unveiled yet another industry first. Martin-Till displayed prototypes of a closing wheel system with adjustable closing wheels for planters and pneumatic down pressure riding on a corresponding linkage suspension. All 3 features are firsts in the industry.
A single lever changes the squeeze point of the seed trench of closing wheel. The use of a rotatable axle makes this possible. This solves the problem altering the closing wheel process to suit varied soil types, soil moisture, or residue conditions. Martin further points out that the parallel linkage suspension maintains a steady closing wheel stance throughout the whole range of operation. As a result, the trench closes consistently, so you don't end up with an open trench if the row unit crosses over a pile, for example.
The ability to stagger the location of the closing wheels is a potential enhancement to the closing wheel attachment that may be necessary if a farmer is using mixed closing wheel type.
Our innovative adjustable closing wheel for planters allow you to alter the quantity of dirt poured over the seed while closing the trench to meet soil conditions by adjusting the closing wheel angle by up to 8 degrees. The closing wheel arm replaces the original arm on the planter and comes with 2 adjustment tab sets, one on each side of the row. Each set of tabs has four locations at 2-degree intermissions, allowing each wheel's angle to be altered up to an 8-degree range. Loosen a nut and tab and draw it out to vary the angle of the wheel, then insert the bolt into another hole and tighten the nut.
A sharper angle smashes sidewall compaction and gently pushes more loose or fine dirt over the top, assisting in the removal of air pockets that harden the ground and prevent seed development. Farmers today are sometimes forced to plant in rainy fields. Heavy soils might slab over the trench due to the angle of traditional fixed closing wheel arms, placing a lot of down pressure. Seed growth decreases, resulting in lower yields. The closing wheel angle can typically be adjusted to alleviate the problem. See us at 4AG Manufacturing in OKC. Find us for gauge wheels and closing wheels for a better plantation.