Can You Choose a No Tilling Method For The Dry Spring Harvesting?
Farming is not easy during the springs. You may find that the fields are so damaged that you have to till the fields. Even though you may want to go for a no till planter, it is not possible because the field has residue from the previous corn harvesting.
In case the residue load is pretty high on your land, you have to careful about plantation process during the spring and summer seasons because of the dry winds that is prevalent during this time.
Do not lose hope though. There are many farmers in Oklahoma and other states who still choose no till planter over tiling the field. Here are some factors that you should keep in mind when you are looking for no till for plantation.
Residue Management:
If you take a look at the farmers who prefer no till planter, you will see that they have already equipped themselves for the method. However, you do not need to have all the equipment that is needed for heavy residue no till plantation. You can manage even with your regular planter that is made for conventional tillage.
With a Row Cleaner:
You may already have a row cleaner that removes the residue from the surface of your field. Thus, the disc openers work properly, which stops the residue from getting inside the seed furrow. If you have a row cleaner, you can simply monitor how well the machine is functioning. You may need to adjust the settings of the cleaner so that it can work well even when the residue is higher than usual.
You should aim at removing all the residue from the surface area. But at the same time, you do not want to disturb the soil underneath.
Without a Row Cleaner:
Fret not if you do not have a row cleaner handy. You can still go for a no till planter. However, you may need to invest more time and energy while staying patient in the whole process. You can use disc openers to remove the residue from the surface without digging too deep into the soil. In this case, you have to make sure that the disc openers are sharp enough to dig out the dry surface. Also, the disc openers may not work as well as the row cleaners if the soil is damp. So, make sure you work on dry soil.
If you are looking for the best quality no till planter in your area, 4AG Manufacturing is offering the best choice that you can get your hands on.