Save Your Soil - Use a No-till Planter for Your Land

Autumn is wrapping up; across America, farmers are waking up in anticipation. It is that time of the year again, when you plant seeds, bracing your heart with new hope for a bright and fruitful day soon. But for those who don't use no till planters, the future may not be so shiny.

True, sometimes standard farmers do have success with the traditional methods of farming. After all, hasn't that been what's feeding us historically? But more often than not, farmers face a lot of challenges. These include:

  • Soil erosion

  • Delays in planting

  • Planting in poor conditions

  • Unable to planting

The sad thing about all that is’ often these are due to the farmer's own fault. Let us explain.

How Tillage Method Degrade the Soil For Farming?

Conventional methods of farming include heavy tillage of the soil in order to prepare it for planting. It includes mechanical agitation of the soil by digging, stirring, or overturning. People used to use hand tools like shovels, mattocks, hoes, and rakes to do this - but now they use automotive equipment.

But tillage has a few strong drawbacks. It degrades the soil gradually; the soil structure worsens quickly, leaving flat earth, organic matter in the soil gets washed away quickly and makes it lesser and lesser resilient to weather. All of them contribute to poor farming conditions, sometimes even outright denying crops.

That's why intelligent decision makers in the farming community use no till planters nowadays. Now, how does that work?

What Is a No-till Planter?

A no-till planter is used for a no-till farming system. That is an agricultural technique that disturbs the soil as little as possible. This prevents soil erosion and degradation in most soils; especially in dry and sandy areas or sloped land. It became known in the 70's and people have been using it ever since.

A planter is perhaps the most important mechanized equipment in a modern farmer's shed. It basically opens a slit in the soil, drops a seed, closes the slit, and moves on to the next point for the next seed. All the while, it also manages any residue left in the field.

While most planters are meant for standard tillage agriculture, a no-till planter for sale stands out in rarity. They have specialized designs with unique swept-back teeth that can handle difficult terrain more aggressively. They are built and customized to dig no furrows in the land, and they can sweep the trash to one side keeping things neat for your collection truck.

It is true, the expenses of a no-till planter are a bit steeper, which may seem a bit discouraging at first glance. However, considering that the method and the machine leave you with a healthy field that keeps on giving crops year after year like clockwork, the no-till planter price seems trivial.

Get a No-till Planter Today

How would you like to be able to plant your crops without damaging your soil? The answer is no-tillage farming, and for that, you absolutely need a no-till planter. And there, 4AG Manufacturing stands at attention to help you out. Oh yeah, it's planting time!

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