Useful Tips for Strip-Till Planting You Ought to Remember

Strip-till planters always have to keep a lot of things so that their plants can get higher yield and lower planting cost at the same time. Things like planter setup, seed placements and closing wheels for planters play a very important role in this process.

But apart from these, there are some other issues that you may have to face. Here we are going to talk about some of the most useful tips that may come handy while you face these problems. Make sure that you keep these things in mind when you are planning for your own strip till planting project.

  • While going for a strip till project, many people tend to go fast with their planter. Though it is possible to plant at up to 10 mph with some of the modern equipment, it is recommended by the professionals that the planting should not be done at a speed higher than 5mph. That way, you can be sure that every slot for the seeds are of the same depth.

  • Whatever you do, do not run your strip-till device in wet soil. The main reason behind that is it sometimes causes compaction if a planter is used in wet soil.

  • It is also considered a good practice to check the wheels before every planting project. This way, if there are any damaged heads in the wheel, you will be able to find that out before it affects the result of your corpse.

  • Banding fertilizer with the strip till pass is a very common practice among the regulars. At times like this it is also very important to do the sampling of the soil properly.

  • You should also keep in mind that you should never be in a shortage of horsepower. Contact an expert to get proper consultation and take your decisions accordingly.

  • Other than that, you can use GPS technology to make sure that you are on your pre planned planting track.

Get the Job Done with 4AG Manufacturing

Though we pointed out some of the most useful tips for strip till planting, getting the actual job done will be much tougher. You have to plan everything accordingly and get high quality equipment so that you can complete your project successfully.

But if you are looking for a place to get high quality equipment, then your quest is over. We at 4AG Manufacturing have been providing professional strip till farmers with top notch gauge wheels and closing wheels for planters. Give us a call today and get best prices for industry standard equipment.

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